For the past couple of months, COVID-19 has turned our everyday lives upside down. Grocery stores must limit the number of customers inside at all times. People are required to wear masks while shopping at essential businesses. Elective procedures, including botox and lip injections, are being put on hold.
Many patients who regularly schedule these procedures do not know when they will be able to return for their follow up appointments. If you are one of these people, Dental & Aesthetics of Pittsburgh, the leading specialist of Botox and lip injections in Pittsburgh, is here to answer all your questions on maintaining your facial aesthetics during this crisis.
Tips for Maintaining Botox and Lip Injections From Pittsburgh Expert Dental & Aesthetics of Pittsburgh

As we wait for the world to return to normal, we will need to adjust to new routines and practices. To help you maintain your facial aesthetics, the leading provider of Botox and lip injections in Pittsburgh is here to guide you through our tips for building a preventative skin care routine.
Avoid the Sun
Minimizing your exposure to the sun is important for your skin whether or not you have Botox or lip injections. Sun damage can age the skin and deplete your Botox by breaking down both natural collagen and Botox-produced collagen.
That being said, we can’t blame you if you need to take a walk around the neighborhood for a break from the confines of your house. Remember to apply sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection, water resistance, and an SPF of 30 or higher before going out. Make sure you wear sunscreen even on cloudy, overcast days, as up to 80% of harmful UV rays from the sun can still penetrate your skin.
Keep Your Skin Hydrated and Moisturized
If you haven’t built a structured skin care routine already, now is the perfect time to do it! We recommend moisturizing twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening. In order to maximize your skin care routine, apply cleanser and toner before your moisturizer. Heading out for the day? Add sunscreen with zinc as the last layer to your face. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water too!
Remember to Treat Your Stress
While it’s certainly difficult to maintain a sense of calmness during this time, it is important to practice new methods for managing your stress. Something as simple as practicing meditation, taking a walk around the neighborhood, and trying out new yoga poses can help you de-stress. Practicing a stress-free life is critical for reducing the amount of cortisol — a hormone known for speeding up the aging process and undoing the effects of Botox — in your body.
Schedule a Virtual Consultation With Your Health Care Provider
Many health clinics offering Botox and lip injections in Pittsburgh have begun to offer telehealth services for their patients. Should you have any questions or concerns, your doctor is just a call away. You may also be able to formulate a plan for taking care of your skin and resuming treatment once things get back to normal.
Take Zinc Supplements
Multiple studies have found that zinc can increase the effects of Botox by 30%. Consider adding vitamins or zinc supplements to your daily routine to help prolong your Botox’s anti-aging effects.
Keep Eating Healthy
Eating healthy is imperative for preserving the lifespan of your facial aesthetics. Luckily, there’s no better time than now to try out a new recipe or practice your cooking skills!
Try to include some of these ingredients in your next dish!
- Fatty Fish — Salmon and Herring: These types of fish are filled with omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for maintaining healthy skin.
- Avocados: This popular fruit is full of healthy fats and vitamins to protect your skin and keep its strength.
- Walnuts: Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are richer in walnuts than any other nut. These fatty acids are essential for fighting inflammation and helping your skin function properly.
- Broccoli: Broccoli contains zinc, vitamin, A, and vitamin C, which are all essential for maintaining proper skin health.
- Tomatoes: Tomatoes are also a great source of vitamin C.
- Red or Yello Bell Peppers: Peppers are an excellent source of beta carotene, a pigment that the body converts to vitamin A, and vitamin C.
- Sweet Potatoes: Beta carotene is also found in sweet potatoes. In fact, one half-cup of baked sweet potatoes contains more than six times the daily value for vitamin A.
Can I Get Botox and Lip Injections in Pittsburgh During Quarantine?

While the COVID-19 measures are having all non-essential businesses closed down, some people are still scheduling appointments for Botox and lip injections. However, most businesses remain closed. Therefore, even if you attempt to schedule an appointment during this time, you will most likely not be able to. It can be frustrating to not be able to attend your regularly scheduled appointments, but it is important to remember that these measures are implemented for the safety of everyone.
Living through this pandemic has brought new challenges to everyone — many of which are unexpected. Making changes to your regular routine is key to ensuring your Botox and lip injections maintain their longevity. Once it is safe to undergo elective procedures, remember to schedule an appointment with the leading provider of Botox and lip injections in Pittsburgh, Dental & Aesthetics of Pittsburgh.